Zumba Classes at High Park Fitness Centre in SNAP Bloor West paper

Here is a link to the article and photos: http://www.snapbloorwest.com/?option=com_sngevents&id%5B%5D=442176&utm_source=email&utm_medium=snapd “At the beginning of September we dropped by High Park Village Fitness & Recreation Centre to catch a glimpse of their clients “ditching their workout and joining the party” at a fun-filled Zumba fitness class led by effervescent instructor Popi Spyridis. Popi had the class motivated and moving. The gang was getting a great workout as they grooved to the Latin and international beats at the cardio-pumping class. ” – SNAP Bloor West.  Photos by Blair Woodward —- Thanks everyone for smiling for the cameras!  You’re awesome! Popi

“My Mommy Likes to Wiggle” – Children’s Book by Kathleen Gauer

“My Mommy Likes to Wiggle” is a charmingly-illustrated rhyming story about a mom whose passion is dancing (“Salsa, Samba and the Cha Cha beat Sweep my Mommy off her feet….).  Toronto writer, Kathleen Gauer, was inspired to write this children’s picture book by her daughter-in-law who is a qualified Zumba instructor in Welland, Ontario. Available at Indigo/Chapters, this light-hearted book was created for parents and children to enjoy together.  Instructions plus diagrams and other interesting dance facts appear at the end of this catchy, rhythmic tale.  Find out how one family gets involved with this dancing obsession and learn some simple...

TIPS FOR BEGINNER DANCERS – Letting go of fear

Have you always wanted to learn to dance but something has stopped you?  Felt intimidated?  Worried that you wouldn’t be good at it?  Not sure you would like it?  Worried what others would think of you?  Fear stops us doing a lot of things in life, unfortunately. Ask yourself this:  What is the worst thing that can happen?  Really?  Imagine the worst case scenario – picture it, visualize it, feel it. And now trust me, when I tell you even if your worst fears come true, you will survive.  Not only will you survive, you will be better off for...