Have you always wanted to learn to dance but something has stopped you?  Felt intimidated?  Worried that you wouldn’t be good at it?  Not sure you would like it?  Worried what others would think of you?  Fear stops us doing a lot of things in life, unfortunately.

Ask yourself this:  What is the worst thing that can happen?  Really?  Imagine the worst case scenario – picture it, visualize it, feel it.

And now trust me, when I tell you even if your worst fears come true, you will survive.  Not only will you survive, you will be better off for at least having tried.  And once you get past that fear, you may even discover joy.

Chances are your dance teacher has felt the same fear, the same nervousness, the same apprehension when entering his or her first dance
class too.   They never would have become a dancer had they not gathered the courage to enter their first dance class.   New beginnings always require a first step.   One step in front of the other.  One breath after the other.

If you want to dance, don’t let fear stop you.