Zumba wellnessZumba Chair is Zumba done entirely seated and is suitable for various groups, including seniors and individuals living in long term care facilities. It is fun, uplifting and even healing.

Here is an interesting article highlighting the benefits of Zumba.

To quote the article… “Programmes backed by the renowned Harvard Medical School in the United States suggest that Zumba has promise in the management and even treatment of dementia and neuromuscular conditions.”

“In Britain, the charity Parkinson’s UK already runs classes for patients, and the bizarre yet incredibly positive discovery that learned choreography can have an impact on these diseases is being welcomed by the medical community, including experts at Oxford University.”

I am not surprised at all but it’s nice when my instincts are backed up by science! Dance can be a powerful healer because it connects our mind, body and spirit.

Zumba Chair is done seated and can be done as an entire class or mixed with some standing. Popi is very passionate about Zumba Chair and teaches at several retirement and long term care facilities in Toronto. This is suitable for various groups and can be adjusted to suit your needs. Contact us for more information or check out Zumba.com to find an instructor in your area.