
Has Zumba changed your life?

Read some inspring stories on here and share yours! This is why I personally love Zumba so much. It is more than dancing. It can uplift you, transform you and connect you to the real you. The YOU that is pure fabulous. Let’s all keep dancing and loving life! -Popi, Zumba Instructor  


How to find a Zumba class in Toronto

Did you know that you can easily search for Zumba classes in Toronto on the official Zumba website? If you go to and click on ‘find a class’ you can search for a Zumba class by location. They have really improved this feature recently so it identifies locations much better now! Here is my Zumba...


Still haven’t tried Zumba yet?

Well what are you waiting for?! Sometimes fear stops us doing wonderful things. If it is fear stopping you, I encourage you to let go, take a bite of courage and step into the self you want to be. The first step is always the hardest. It gets easier and you will be grateful you...