The song and dance style you choose for your wedding first dance should always reflect what you both want and feel. Sometimes you have to try and experiment to find out what you want or you may already know. Here are 4 dance styles you may want to consider which go beyond the ‘high school’ ‘hugging’ dance:

1. Simple ‘slow dance’ – Using almost any ballad, this option is the most popular. There are easy steps and tricks you can use to look great but are relatively easy to learn, ie you don’t need months of dance lessons. The content you use should reflect your personalities as individuals and as a couple, as well as the general feel of the song you choose. You can incorporate turns, switches, dips and even lifts in this style of dance. I suggest the Wedding Dance Workshop and / or a few private lessons to get you comfortable and looking fabulous.

2. Ballroom Dance – learn to do a traditional waltz, foxtrot or rumba, or any dance for that matter! This will require more time and I suggest 10 lessons minimum if you have never danced before. Start early and don’t leave it to the last minute! This option can be a lot of fun. When else can you learn to dance and then have the opportunity to show off your new moves? You can always mix in some ballroom steps into an easier slow dance.

3. Comedy – Get your guests going with a comedy routine.If you feel this is for you, you can put some of it together yourselves or ask an instructor to choreograph the routine for you. If you are doing one of those song medley routines that seems to be a recent trend, experiment first with what you are able to do and then edit the music. I generally don’t recommend anyone dancing for more than 5 mins to fully choreographed routine. It may not seem like a long time but it is when you are dancing!

4. Combination of any of the above 3 – You can incorporate a mix of traditional ballroom steps into an easier slow dance which can be beautiful and lots of fun. This way there isn’t pressure to do a waltz for the entire song for example. Of course you can always switch from a serious elegant song to a comedy routine too.

Whatever you choose, always remember to be true to yourselves and have fun!

-Popi, Dance Instructor and Choreographer,